Ka Ora - Group Exhibition

Ka Ora (I Live), the last show at ORA Gallery New York. It is a group show featuring artists who have shown there previously (including myself) under the steady watch of Giarna TeKanawa.

I will have several photographs on show (available for purchase).

"KA ORA (I LIVE) is the last show for ORA Gallery New York and a celebration of the extraordinary life of a small Chelsea gallery. ORA has been a window into Aotearoa New Zealand and a marae (community hub) for many New Zealanders in New York.
Gallery creator Giarna TeKanawa took up an unexpected opportunity to open a gallery and generously welcomed a broad range of artists from Aotearoa, revealing a vibrant slice of our homeland’s creative talent to New York. What began as a three-month pop-up show continued to weave itself into a rich lineage of exhibits, often organically emerging through connections from one artist to the next. As ORA settled itself into 7th Ave, it also welcomed a growing whanau (extended family) of New Zealanders living in New York or visiting, a small patch of Aotearoa for all of us."

Ora Galley New York - 51 7th Ave (between 13th / 14th streets) New York, NY 10011

Photo and design by Andrew B. White.

Living As Form

Proud to be associated with "Living As Form" – an exhibition of art from Oceania featuring Visesio Siasau, Serene Hai Thang Whakatau Tay and George Nuku now on show at ORA Gallery New York.

"Ora Gallery New York has been transformed by a potent collaboration of three artists of Oceania, all with strong bloodlines to Aotearoa New Zealand. Visesio Siasau, Serene Hai Thang Whakatau Tay and George Nuku are deeply committed to their practice as a process of shared creation and the diffusion of ideas through form. Their work embodies a meaningful exploration of life, spirit, earth and the whakapapa (genealogy) that connects us and all things."